Android devices-Connect your device to your computer, use your computer's file explorer to browse to your device, and copy the.mmpk file from your computer to the Explorer app on your device. See Apple Support for details on using iTunes to share files between your computer and your device and follow the steps to copy the. iPad and iPhone devices-Use iTunes and connect your device to your computer.If you downloaded a map outside Explorer (for example, from a website or it was sent to you in an email), copy it to your device to use it in Explorer. Look for one of the following download icons: Android, iPad or iPhone, or Windows. When you're finished working with a downloaded map, remove it from the device. mmpk extension and you need to download the map outside the app and copy it to your device. Instead, you get them from a website, or they were emailed to you, or something similar. Some maps may not appear for download in the app.For these maps, you can take the entire map offline at once.

If your map looks like this in the list of maps, download the map.

If your map looks like this in the list of maps, download an offline area that has been defined for you. Some maps in the Maps list show that they have offline areas defined and show those map areas if tapped:.The information about your map that is presented in the list of maps helps determine the type of download: There are four ways to take maps offline in Explorer, and the one you use depends on the map you are trying to take offline. While they only get updates to downloaded maps on request, downloaded maps allow mobile workers to continue working with GIS data without a data connection. Once a map is downloaded, mobile workers can use it the same way they do when connected. For these situations, mobile workers can download maps to make them available offline. In the field, mobile workers often work in areas without a reliable data connection, or with no data connection at all. Copy a basemap to the device (optional).